Sunday, April 7, 2013

Smokin' in the Boys Room

Just kidding!! I quit smoking 10 months ago. More importantly I realized the boys have completely been ignored on the blog. It also dawned on me that its gonna be way harder to blog about the boys. This will likely end up being a "look what I bought them" blog.  It might even morph into a blog about my self.

We are waiting to move into our new house in about 3 weeks. The boys and I are currently living with my parents and my younger sister. I think we're all getting excited for me to move out again. The living situation have me frazzled and ready to go. The boys don't care where we go or what we do as long as they keep getting getting their new timothy hay with sweet potato.

We are moving into a great house on the sound, I have my own entrance to the house as well. The room is much bigger than out current one. My fluffernutters take up a huge portion of my room and lila's cage helps a bit too.
Imagine the cage is on the left wall and the twin bed is all the way against the right wall. I have about 5 feet from the cage to my bed and about a foot away from the wall behind the camera. Some people have walk in closets bigger then my room.

Their will be fresh free range eggs every morning from the resident hens. The owner filled in his shore line with sand to create a nice beach. I plan to get a float and and an anchor to float while tanning.
I learned about once a month cooking recently and I began preparing my grocery lists immediately. Normally Im pretty lazy and will spend all my money on frozen pizzas. I thought, why spend all that money on prepackaged when I can make that dollar stretch and still have my frozen meals. This way I can still be lazy but in a healthy way.

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