Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Lila Diaries

I took in Lila from some friends who were moving. I knew prior to taking her in that she may have cancer. Shes got a huge mass on the back of her front right leg. In addition to the lump, shes a bit over weight. I bought her a wheel to combat the weight issue. The lump as me concerned and I think I'm going to drop the 50 bucks to at least have it looked at. I owe her that much at least.

Medical issues aside I revamped her cage within a week of her being here. She had loose bedding and a brown paper bag under the food and water dish. I upgraded her to a waterproof cage liner with fleece over it. Lila came with a cool log but it took up to much space in her cage. I had a left over plastic igloo from the chins that I held on to for playtime use only. The log looks much better in the chins cage but I havent seen them use it.

Lila got her first bath recently, she really enjoyed it. I would have bathed her sooner but she was still cautious with me until this point. I used this time to put antibiotic ointment on her lump since I was already messing with her. All the other times she got very pissy when I just "picked her up for no reason". Today a piece of her scab fell off and looked like half a rose hip. It was hard as a rock too. I applied more ointment and I'm hoping I can heal it up a bit.

 Dirty little hedgie
"5 more minutes please!"